Applications & RFPs


Requests for Proposals

RFP for Audit Services for 2024 SSA Audit

Requests for Qualifications

RFQ for Mural Artists

Rebate Applications

SSA #26 offers a variety of rebate programs for properties located within the SSA 26 district. The goal of the rebates is to beautify and revitalize the district, attract and retain business, and enhance the streetscape. Available rebates include:

  • Façade Rebate Program – helps property owners and tenants beautify the front of their buildings with rebates of 50% of the cost of improving the front of their buildings, up to $5,000.
  • Security Enhancement Rebate Program – provides rebates for security enhancements to a property, business, or space surrounding them. 
  • Sidewalk Cafe and Patio Rebate Program – incentivizes sidewalk cafes and patios at restaurants and eateries by covering the cost of the permit fee.
  • Vandalism Repair Rebate Program – provides financial assistance for physical repairs to broken or acid etched glass on windows and doors of commercial spaces along the public way due to vandalism.


Streetscape Requests

SSA #26 offers a variety of programs for properties located within the SSA 26 district. The goal is to beautify and revitalize the district, attract and retain business, and enhance the streetscape.