
About the Schools in the 48th Ward

Since the 5k’s inception, we have donated $17,000 to schools in the 48th Ward. The 48th Ward is home to 10 elementary schools and two high schools, collectively serving more than 6,000 students. Reflecting the incredible diversity of Edgewater, kids in our local schools represent hundreds of countries around the world and speak over 75 different languages. Despite great challenges, our local schools have achieved marked success through the highest CPS level 1 ratings to the National Blue Ribbon Award with expanded IB programs and innovative arts partnerships. 

Residents and community members can sponsor students at their school of choice! The student sponsorship is meant for students that may not otherwise have the opportunity to participate in the 5k. They are able to enjoy the fun perks of the race like medals, pancake breakfast, race t-shirt and more. 

Click here to go to the site and select donate in the upper right hand corner!


Click here for sponsorship opportunities. Questions?